Up: Gallery of Interactive Geometry
Projective Conics:
These pages were developed by Mathew
Frank, a student in the 1995 Summer
Institute held at the Geometry Center. Mathew was interested in
conics and projective geometry, and he developed some programs to
illustrate a classical result called Pascal's theorem.
As part of his project, Mathew wrote the following pages describing
the theorem and some related material, as well as the interactive
application available from the button below:
Conics and Hexagons
Note: There are no subscripts or superscripts in these pages.
Instead, superscripts are denoted by "^", so "x squared" is written
"x^2". Similarly, subscripts are indicated by "_", so
"x sub 1" is written "x_1". The notation AB will
refer to the line connecting points A and B, and
AB.CD will refer to the point of intersection of lines
AB and CD.
Up: Gallery of Interactive Geometry
The Geometry Center Home Page
Comments to:
Created: Nov 30 1995 ---
Last modified: Thu Jul 18 18:03:38 1996