A symmetry pattern on the sphere always gives rise to a quotient orbifold
with positive Euler characteristic. In fact, if the order of symmetry is
, then the Euler characteristic of the quotient orbifold is
since the Euler characteristic of the sphere is 2.
However, the converse is not true. Not every collection of parts costing
less than can be put together to make a viable pattern for
symmetry on the sphere. Fortunately, the experts at The Orbifold Shop
know the four bad configurations which are too skimpy to be viable:
All other configurations are good. If they form an orbifold with positive orbifold Euler characteristic, they come from a pattern of symmetry on the sphere.
The situation for negative orbifold Euler characteristic is straightforward, but we will not prove it:
Theorem. Every orbifold with negative orbifold Euler characteristic comes from a pattern of symmetry in the hyperbolic plane with bounded fundamental domain. Every pattern of symmetry in the hyperbolic plane with compact fundamental domain gives rise to a quotient orbifold with negative orbifold Euler characteristic.
Since you can spend as much as you want, there are an infinite number of these.