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Prev: Creating Your own Web Pages
Part 4: Creating an Assignment Using the Web
This is an open-ended assignment to get you comfortable with using the
Web and hypertext as a teaching tool. The end product should be a lab
that would be appropriate for high school students. Think carefully
about how the Web and hypertext can be used to improve your students'
educational experience.
Use the following guidelines:
- Your lab should cover some aspect of geometry. The word geometry
may be liberally interpreted, but you should definitely cover some
mathematical topic.
- Write your lab in html. Your lab should be something that works
better with hypertext than merely using a handout. For example, if
there are many new terms, have the words link to their
definitions. With your project, you will need to write a short
explanation of how hypertext improves this lab over handing out sheets
of paper.
- You should include figures. You will learn about creating
mathematical figures using the software in future weeks. You may
also wish to include sound and movies.
- The lab should involve your group using some software. This might
be in the creation of figures, or you could actually present the
software in the lab. The software can either be from class or
software that you find on the internet. For examples see the links
under Lists of Software to Download in Part
2. For example, you may want to include Sketchpad sketches. You
may only want to use Sketchpad to create images.
- Find one or more Web pages relevant to the topic that you have
picked. Make sure they are an at appropriate level. As part of your
lab, design a list of questions or other appropriate assignment around
these documents. For examples see the links under Specific Examples in
Part 2. To find other pages, you
should also browse through the items under the Indexes and Lists of
Lists, as well as using Search Engines.
Up: Table of Contents
Prev: Creating Your own Web Pages
The Geometry Center Home Page
Author: Evelyn Sander
Comments to:
Created: Jun 09 1996 ---
Last modified: Jul 31 1996