Notes on Copyright & Related Issues
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This section is still very incomplete. Suggestions are also welcome. -cs
Credits and References
Two excellent books written in lay language are:
- Fishman, Stephen. (1995).
The Copyright Handbook: How to Protect and Use Written Works,
2nd Edition
Berkeley, CA:
Nolo Press.
- Fishman, Stephen. (1995).
Copyright Your Software.
Nolo Press.
While I had been dabbling in this area for some time, those books were
most influential in helping me to organize my understanding, to realize
where there were gaps that I needed to fill in, and to continue to provide me
with an understandable source of back-up information after I did more
research and found myself mired in legal terminology.
Here are a few other Internet locations where I've found additional information
related to this topic:
- Web-sites
- Agmon, Jonathan; Halpern, Stacey; & Pauker, David. (1996).
(The above items point to the main entry point, and a short-cut to the
most relevant area for this topic, for a bibliography prepared by
students at Georgetown University Law School.)
- Americal Intellectual Property lawyer's Association
- Brinson, J. Dianne & Radcliffe, Mark F. 1994.
Intellectual Property Primer for Multimedia Developers.
Electronic Frontier Foundation.
- Carroll, Terry. 1993.
Usenet Copyright Law FAQ.
- The Copyright Website.
- Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
- The Creative Incentive Coalition,
an industry group of "copyright owners" (not necessarily authors)
- Cyberspace Law for Non-Lawyers,
the web-site associated with an electronic seminar on various issues
in communication and intellectual property law
- The Digital Future Coalition,
a group of "information providers" (including groups like library
and faculty associations, among others)
- Electronic Frontier Foundation,
a group concerned about civil liberties, such as privacy and freedom of
expression, in relation to new communications technologies
- U.S. House of Representatives'
Internet Law Library,
a huge collection of links to law-related information
(sources, references, and commentary) that the House
has compiled and made available via the Internet
- Loundy, David J. 1994-1995.
Information Systems Law and System Operator Liability Revisited.
P-Law Journal Services.
(Addresses BB SYSOPS directly, but most of the points are applicable
to webmasters.)
- Smith, Ashley. April, 1996.
Observations from Stage Left.
(A permissions-related story from the trenches of American theatre.)
- Templeton, Brad.
10 Big Myths about Copyright Explained
- Yahoo on
- Mailing List
From the
Coalition for Networked Information
(CNI), this is a mailing list devoted to copyright issues.
To join, send a message to:
with a single line of text in the body that says:
- Usenet Newsgroups (selected entries from the 1993 Usenet FAQ)
the main newsgroup covering all legal issues, including copyright law
and many other topics;
a moderated analog to;
addresses intellectual property; copyright, patent, trademark and
trade secrecy, and their alternatives;
covers legal issues related to computers, especially copyright and
patent issues;
trends, practices, and techniques in software licensing;
- gnu.misc.discuss:
frequently include issues of software patents, copyright, and
To end of notes:
Copyright and Electronic Publishing
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Created: Feb 16 1996 ---
Last modified: Wed Jul 17 13:37:24 1996
Copyright © 1996 by
The Geometry Center.
All rights reserved.