Notes on Copyright & Related Issues
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Next: What is the meaning of "in the public domain"?
Duration of copyright
In simplest terms, for works created now:
- for a single author, copyright lasts for the remaining life of the author plus 50 more years;
- for an organization, copyright lasts for 75 years from the date of publication, or 100 years from the date of creation, whichever occurs first.
Other issues will not be covered here but involve details such as:
the original date of the work:
- prior to 1909,
- between 1909 and 1977,
- between 1978 and 1988, or
- since 1989;
whether it was the work of:
- a single author,
- an entity (such as a business),
- a mixture of people and entities (and how many of each),
whether the author(s) are:
- US citizens or residents,
- citizens or residents of signatories of the Berne Convention, the Universal Copyright Convention,
and so on.
Back: Forms of protection for Intellectual Property
Next: What is the meaning of "in the public domain"?
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Created: Feb 16 1996 ---
Last modified: Mon Feb 19 16:07:58 1996
Copyright © 1996 by
The Geometry Center.
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