#!/usr/local/bin/perl $ENV{"PATH"} .= ":/usr/local/bin:/u/share/bin"; #get form data print &mime_header(); %data = &get_data(); $A = $data{"A"}; $B = $data{"B"}; $C = $data{"C"}; #get the current process number $pid = $$; #open a connection to Maple $maple = "| maple -q"; $maplegif = "tmp/maple$pid.gif"; open(MAPLE, $maple) || print STDERR "Maple can't be opened!\n"; #Send commands via print print MAPLE "interface(plotdevice=gif,plotoutput=`$maplegif`,plotoptions=`width=500,height=300`);\n"; print MAPLE "plot($A * x^2 + $B * x + $C, x=-5..5);\n"; print MAPLE "quit;\n"; close(MAPLE); #Set up some unique file names $math_in = "tmp/math$pid.in"; $math_out = "tmp/math$pid.out"; #Construct a batch input file open(MATH, "> $math_in") || print STDERR "Math can't be opened!\n"; print MATH "Solve[$A x^2 + $B x + $C == 0] \n"; print MATH "Quit \n"; close(MATH); #process the Mathematica output open(TMP, "math -batchinput -batchoutput <$math_in |"); while () { $roots .= $_ unless /(^License|^\n)/; } close(TMP); #Return new form print " <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Image Demo</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY> <FORM ACTION=\"imagedemo.cgi\"> <IMG SRC=$maplegif><P> Solutions of $A <I>x</I><SUP>2</SUP> + $B <I>x</I> + $C = 0 are:<P> <BLOCKQUOTE><PRE>$roots</PRE></BLOCKQUOTE> A: <INPUT SIZE=3 NAME=A><BR> B: <INPUT SIZE=3 NAME=B><BR> C: <INPUT SIZE=3 NAME=C><BR> <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT> </FORM> <HR> </BODY> </HTML>";
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Created: May 09 1996 ---
Last modified: Tue Jun 4 22:10:34 1996