directory. For example, assignment
#1 should go in a directory named
. To create this directory, go
to a Unix shell window and give the command
mkdir ~/public_html/Lab1
. (These files won't interfere with
each other because they're in different directories).
is the default document name for files on
the Geometry Center's Web server. It's a good idea to adhere to a
conventional file name for the main entry point for a collection of
files in a directory. This also means that users do not have to give
the full filename in the URL --- they just specify the directory name,
and the server looks for a file called welcome.html
that directory. So, for example, the URL for your assignment #1 page
would be "http://www.geom.umn.edu/~yourlogin/Lab1/".
Some Web servers use different default document names;
is the most common one, but before making
that assumption when installing a document on another Web server, you
should check with the site's webmaster.