Here is another example relying more on Perl tricks. This script scans a web log and counts hits per page. The log file (which, incidently, is the output of another Perl Script...) looks like this:#!/usr/local/bin/perl for ($n =0; $n < 10; $n++) { $max = 100 + 10 * $n; open(OUT, ">square$n.eps"); print OUT "%! PostScript %%Orientation: Portrait %%BoundingBox: 0 0 250 250 %%Pages: 0 newpath 0 0 moveto 250 0 lineto 250 250 lineto 0 250 lineto closepath stroke 20 20 moveto $max 20 lineto $max $max lineto 20 $max lineto closepath stroke showpage "; close(OUT); system("convert square$n.eps square$n.tiff"); } system("img2mpeg -o square.mpg square?.tiff");
Here is the Perl Script:Date: [Mon Apr 1 0:07:00 CST 1996] Page: download From host: Linked from: Browser: Lynx/2-4-2 libwww/2.14 via Harvest Cache version 1.4pl2 Date: [Mon Apr 1 0:19:46 CST 1996] Page: WebEQ From host: Linked from: Browser: welcome Mozilla/2.01 (X11; I; IRIX 5.3 IP19) Date: [Mon Apr 1 0:21:05 CST 1996] Page: documentation From host: Linked from: Browser: Mozilla/2.01 (X11; I; IRIX 5.3 IP19) Date: [Mon Apr 1 1:34:44 CST 1996] Page: HOMEPAGE From host: Linked from: NA Browser: Mozilla/2.01Ib7 [ja] (Win95; I) via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
#!/usr/local/bin/perl open(LOG, "ref_log"); if ($#ARGV == 1) { # read argument list $short = 1; # -s date (short format) $date = $ARGV[1]; } else { # just date $date = $ARGV[0]; } while (<LOG>) { if (/$date/) { # applies pattern match to current line # $_ =~ /$date/ is equivalent $count++; /Page: (.*)/; # still using $_ extract page $page = $1; $download++ if ($page =~ /download/); $pages{$page}++; # increment assoc array entries $vs = <LOG>; $visitors{$vs}++; $lk = <LOG>; # read the referring link and reformat $lk =~ s/Linked from: http:\/\///; $lk =~ s/:80//; if ($lk =~ / { $lk = "local pages \n"; } if ($lk =~ / { $lk = "\n"; } if ($short) { $lk =~ /([^\/\n]*)/; match up to first '/' ie hostname $lk = "$1\n";} $link{$lk}++; } } print "\nPage Distribution Summary \n\n"; foreach $place (sort (keys %pages ) ){ $num = sprintf("%2d", $pages{$place}); print "$num hits on page $place \n"; } print "\nLink Report Summary \n\n"; foreach $place (sort (keys %link ) ){ $num = sprintf("%2d", $link{$place}); print "$num hits from $place"; } print "\nVisitor Report Summary \n\n"; @junk = keys(%visitors); foreach $place (@junk){ $tot = $tot + $visitors{$place}; } print "Total Pages hit = $count\n"; print "Total Visitors = ", $#junk , "\n"; $tmp = sprintf("Average pages per visit = %3.2f \n", $tot / $#junk); print $tmp; print "Total downloads = ", $download, "\n"; close(LOG);
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Created: May 08 1996 ---
Last modified: May 29 1996