Course Projects
One of the main goals of this course is to help you, the participant,
learn to accomplish tasks related to putting mathematics on the Web.
We therefore designed the course to allow as much hands-on lab time as
possible. Many of you indicated on your application forms that you
are working on specific projects at your home institution and that you
would like to learn techniques that will be helpful in these projects.
With this in mind, we would like each of you to pick some medium sized
project to work on over the course of this week. It may be something
that you're already working on from home, or just some simpler version
of something you want to do more of in the future. Use the lab time
to work on your project, using the techniques presented in the
lectures, and consulting with each other and the course instructors.
Feel free to work either alone or in groups.
If you don't have a specific project in mind already, you might
choose something like one of the following:
- Create a Web version of a mathematics paper that contains
special symbols, formulas, and pictures. Make use of
links to provide references to definitions of terms,
proofs of theorems, and/or footnotes.
- Create a collection of Web pages which might be used as
a lab in a calculus or algebra course. Include some
introductory text, some pictures and possibly animations
giving examples, and a form/script page or pages which
allow the students to create their own examples and
or graphs. Some possible topics might be:
- Graphing in polar coordinates
- Conic sections
- Other...
Install the main Web page associated
with your project in the file ~public_html/Project/welcome.html
and put any other associated files in the directory
Last modified: Sun Jun 2 19:01:48 1996