The top-left few pixels of every character are missing. I have no idea why this is happening.
Rectangles are drawn in the wrong place. This effects rules and also the underlines drawn under links. This may be a bug with Graphics.translate, which is used in idvi.display.ViewPanel.paint( ). Perhaps it is not applying the y translation when drawing rectangles. (only a problem under Windows NT; not yet fixed.)
Sometimes scrolling the magnifier window will pull in information from outside of the window. Definitely an AWT bug, but we need to work around it. Just make sure that all calls to CopyRectangle are properly clipped to the bounds of the ViewPanel which is making the call.
Characters flicker while being redrawn.
Too many redraws happen.
Something goes wrong, some of the time, with pk font decoding. Start by looking at the error messages printed to the Java console.
Clipping is done wrong. This is a bug in Graphics.translate, which is used in idvi.display.ViewPanel.paint( ). It does not apply either x or y translation to the rectangle which is returned by getClipRect. This can probably be fixed by reversing the order of the calls to getClipRect and translate, and then translating the clipRect manually. (fixed 10/10/96)
The magnifier window has the same problem as the Windows version.
The screen redraws continuously. I have no idea why this happens, but it makes the applet unusable.
In particular, where should the idvi application put generated gif images? If they go in the directory containing the dvi file, then they can't be shared. But the directory containing the epsf file may not be writable, or may not be visible to the web server.