\special{html:<a href=http://www.win.tue.nl/>} Technical University of Eindhoven \special{html:</a>}
\special{html:<a href=http://www.win.tue.nl/ target=_blank>} Technical University of Eindhoven \special{html:</a>}
Several packages are available which will automatically create links in your document. For example, if you are using LaTeX2e (your TeX file starts with \documentclass rather than \documentstyle), and your site has installed the hyperref package, then you just need to add
The following definitions may be useful if you are not using a package:
\define\htmlspecial#1{\special{html:<#1>}} \define\href#1#2{\htmlspecial{a href="#1"}#2\htmlspecial{/a}} \define\name#1#2{\htmlspecial{a name="#1"}#2\htmlspecial{/a}}