IDVI User's Guide
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The idvi command has many options. You can obtain a list at
any time by executing the idvi command without giving the name of
a dvi file to be prepared:
Basic Options
The basic options determine how pages will be centered in the browser,
which scale factors will be available, and how pages will be numbered.
See the section Basic Options for an introductory
look at some of these options.
- -centered <boolean>
- (default true)
If true, then center each page in the browser window. If false, then left justify.
- -centerPage <page number>
- The page number of a perfectly centered page, such as a title page. This page will
be perfectly centered in the browser, and all other pages will be aligned with this page.
If this option is not used, then the union of all pages is centered.
- -scaleMin <integer between 1 and 15>
- (default 1)
Smallest scale factor available to users.
- -scaleMax <integer between scaleMin and 15>
- (default 5)
Largest scale factor available to users.
- -scaleDefault <integer between scaleMin and scaleMax>
- (default 4)
Scale factor to be used when a user first visits the document.
- -pageFirst <page number>
- (default 1)
Number to be used for first page in the document.
- -pageDefault <page number>
- (default pageFirst)
Page to be shown when a user first visits the document.
HTML Options
The HTML options control the contents of the HTML files which are generated for each
page and scale factor. See the section Controlling the HTML Generated
by IDVI for more information and some examples.
- -title <string>
- (default "DVI Document")
Title string to be used on every page. This string will appear
between the <title> and </title> tags in the HTML
files generated by IDVI.
- -titleTemplate<string>
- (default '$title - $page')
Pattern which combines the title string with other information
to produce the actual title used on each page. The string should
be quoted with single quotes to protect the $ character
from the the shell.
- -noAppletText <string>
- (default "Sorry, your browser does not support Java applets.")
String shown when the user's browser does not support Java applets.
- -templateFile <filename>
- The name of a file containing a template HTML page, to be copied for each
page and scale factor.
Color Options
The color options apply to your whole document. The argument
to each option may be either a color name or a red-green-blue
triple of the form #RRGGBB. See the section
Using Color for a list of color names
and more information on using color in your document.
- -backgroundColor <color>
- (default White)
Background color.
- -foregroundColor <color>
- (default Black)
Color used for plain text.
- -linkColor <color>
- (default #0000EE)
Color used for the text of links.
- -selectedLinkColor <color>
- (default Red)
Color used for the text of links while they are being selected by the user.
File Naming Options
The file naming options allow you to control the names which
are used for the dvi and html files produced by idvi
- -scalePrefix <string>
- (default "scale")
Prefix to be used in building filenames of the form page1scale1.html.
The scale prefix must be non-empty.
- -pagePrefix <string>
- (default "page")
Prefix to be used in building filenames of the form page1scale1.html
and page1.dvi.
The page prefix may be empty, resulting in filenames of the form 1scale1.html
and 1.dvi.
- -index <string>
- (default "index.html")
Name to be used for the default html file.
- -prefix <string>
- (default "")
Prefix to be placed at the beginning of all filenames. If the -index option
is not used, construct an index name by removing any trailing ".",
"_", or "-" character from the prefix and adding ".html".
For example, -prefix "paper-" results in filenames of the form
paper-page1scale1.html and paper-page1.dvi, with an
index file named paper.html.
Installation Options
The following options should already be set to reasonable default values
by the person who installed the idvi command on your system:
- -dpi <integer>
- (default 300)
Size of the available pk font files.
- -fontbase <directory URL>
- (required)
URL of the directory on your web server which contains pk font files.
- -fontsource <directory URL>
- (required)
URL of a directory, either on a local disk or on your web server, which contains
pk font files to be used while preparing a document.
- -codebase <directory URL>
- (required)
URL of the directory on your web server which contains Java class files.
- -archive <class archive URL>
- (default none)
URL of a zip file on your web server which contains the dvi viewer classes.
- -code <class name>
- (default ibook.release.DVIOnePageApplet)
Name of the Java class to be used for viewing dvi files.
- -name <string>
- Name used to invoke the idvi command. Used in error messages.
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