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Geometry Center Equipment Map

Machines Name Key

1.  euclid       2.  plucker          3.  archimedes     4.  morse
5.  hp (printer) 6.  durer (printer)  7.  siegel         8.  bers
9.  hilbert      10. (empty)          11. nonabel        12. panasonic (printer)
13. MacPato      14. descartes        15. klein          16. tektronix (printer)
17. diophantus   18. escher (printer) 19. galois         20. banach
21. weyl         22. riemann          23. langley        24. skinner
25. byers        26. hardy            27. (empty)        28. (empty)
29. fourier      30. kovalevskii      31. lobachevskii   32. jacobi
33. yugo         34. artin            35. dali (printer) 36. poisson
37. fuchs        38. dracula          39. voronoi        40. scanner

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Comments to: webmaster@geom.umn.edu
Created: Fri Sep 8 11:39:00 1995 --- Last modified: Jun 18 1996