The top of the model panel allows the user to determine
the bounding box. The bounding box is a rectangular
subset of the domain in which Pisces will attempt to compute the level
set of the current model. Any portion of the level set which is
outside of the bounding box will not be computed.
If the current model has parameters, then the value of these
parameters may be set by modifying the text field in the middle region
of the model panel.
The bottom region of the model panel includes a list of the names of
the output variables. By changing the text fields in this regions,
the user can compute level sets as the level is varied. For example,
you may be interested in the level set f=c as c for
different values of c.
The Pisces Permutation Panel.
The "Permute" button will bring up the permutation panel. This panel
allow users to exchange the role of domain variables and parameters.
By choosing a variable to be in the domain, you are saying that you
want Pisces to allow this function to vary while it computes the level
set. Domain variables are sometimes called "active variables" whereas
parameters are sometimes called "inactive variables."
Important: after making a change to the permutation panel, you must press the "Apply" button on the permutation panel, or your change will not be implemented! In order to ensure that you either "apply" your change or cancel it, the permutation panel grabs the screen's "focus" and will not let you proceed in Pisces until you have applied or canceled your change.
Pisces comes with a set of pre-installed models. Documentation on the definitions of pre-installed models is available in another section of this documentation.