Banchoff, T. F.
Tightly embedded 2-dimensional polyhedral manifolds
Triple points and singularities of projections of smooth surfaces
Triple points and surgery of immersed surfaces
The two-piece property and tight n-manifolds-with-boundary
Tight polyhedral Klein bottles, projective planes and Möbius bands
Critical points and curvature for embedded polyhedral surfaces
Banchoff, T. F., and Takens, F.
Height functions with three critical points
Cecil, T. E. and Ryan, P. J.
On the number of top-cycles of a tight surface in 3-space
Tight and taut immersions of manifolds
Chern, S. S. and Lashof, R. K.
On the total curvature of immersed manifolds I
On the total curvature of immersed manifolds II
Haab, F.
Immersions tendues de surfaces dans E^3
Kühnel, W.
Tight and 0-tight polyhedral embeddings of surfaces
Kühnel, W. and Pinkall, U.
Tight smoothing of some polyhedral surfaces
Kuiper, N. H.
On surfaces in Euclidean three space
Convex immersions of closed surfaces in E^3
There is no tight continuous immersion of the Klein bottle into R^3
Tight embeddings and maps
Tight topological embeddings of the Möbius band
Pinkall, U.
Tight surfaces and regular homotopy