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Part 1: Browsing the Web

You are now going to explore some pages on the Internet and get used to using a Web browser. You will use the Netscape browser. Here is a list of things to do while exploring. Below it is a link to an annotated list of Web pages about teaching, high school, and geometry.


You will probably figure out how Netscape and the Web work as you browse, but make sure that you do each of the following while browsing:

You now know enough about Netscape to explore the Web. Here are a list of additional tasks you should do while browsing the Web pages listed in Part 2: A List of Web Pages to Browse:

Next: Web Pages to Browse
Up: Table of Contents
Prev: Introduction to the Web

[HOME] The Geometry Center Home Page

Author: Evelyn Sander
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Created: Jun 09 1996 --- Last modified: Jul 31 1996