Up: Animated GIF Format
Using GifBuilder to Make an Animation:
- First you need to move your images to the
- Once your files have been moved, start up GifBuilder. (It should
be in the Graphics Apps folder under the Apple menu). You
should see a blank window for your frame information and a small
Untitled.gif file.
- Choose the File/Add Frame menu item to add a new frame.
Select the frame to be added. Unfortunately, you can't select
multiple frames at once, so you will have to go through this process
for each frame individually.
- Once you have loaded all your images, you can select individual
ones or groups of them (by shift selecting). You probably want to select all
the frames and then choose the following settings in the
Options menu:
- Transparend Background / Based on first pixel
- Disposal Method / Restore to background
- Frame optimization
- You may wish to change other paramters as well depending on your
movie. For example, you can use the Loop option to make the
animation loop continuously.
- You can use the Animate menu to test your animation.
- When you are ready, use the File/Save menu item to save
your GIF animation.
- Move your finished .gif file back to the unix machine in order to
make it available over the web. (See the instruction for
moving files to and from the mac).
- To insert the animation into a web page, simply link it in with a
<IMG SRC="file.gif">
tag as though it were a still
.gif image.
Up: Animated GIF Format
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Created: Jun 01 1996 ---
Last modified: Jun 01 1996