Up: Strageties for using scripts

Handling Coordinate Systems

The Geometry Center has developed a Perl module containing a number of subroutines for handling coordinate systems, axes, etc. To use this library in your own Perl scripts, you must include the library in your script as shown:

require "axes.pl";

Subroutines in axes.pl


Calling Syntax: &gifsize(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xmid, ymid)

You must call gifsize before any other axes.pl routines, except pssize.

You can determine the gif coordinates of a region in a gif by using the middle mouse button in xv.


Calling Syntax: &pssize(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)

You must call pssize before any other axes.pl routines, except gifsize.


Calling Syntax: &sizetofit(xmax, ymax)

This routine chooses the user coordinate system so that the input point lies in the first quardrant region determined by the axes, which are in turn implicitly determined by the gif coordinates of the origin and the bounding box specified in gifsize>. The routine may srhink the user region more than is necessary to accomodate the input point to achieve better tick marks.

This routine requires that gifsize be called first. pssize can be called after, but none of the coordinate conversion routines involving PostScript coordinate will function until pssize called.


Calling Syntax: (px, py) = &u2p(ux, uy)


Calling Syntax: (ux, uy) = &p2u(px, py)


Calling Syntax: (gx, gy) = &u2g(ux, uy)


Calling Syntax: (ux, uy) = &g2u(gx, gy)


Calling Syntax: (gx, gy) = &p2g(px, py)


Calling Syntax: (px, py) = &g2p(gx, gy)


Calling Syntax: &xticks()

This routine attempts to intelligently draw and label tick marks on the x-axis. You will probably end up editing this routine to meet your own specifications.


Calling Syntax: &yticks()

This routine attempts to intelligently draw and label tick marks on the y-axis. You will probably end up editing this routine to meet your own specifications.

Up: Strageties for using scripts

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Created: May 10 1996 --- Last modified: May 30 1996