There are several types of two-dimensional plots in Maple. They provide for the plotting of the graph of a function of one variable, of a data set, of a parametrically defined curve, and of an implicitly defined curve. Here are the most frequently used two-dimensional plotting commands.
plot(f(x),x=a..b);For example: plot(sin(x), x=0..Pi);.
plot({f(x),g(x),...,h(x)},x=a..b);Notice that the functions are separated by commas and the list is enclosed in braces. For example:
plot({sin(x),cos(x)}, x=0..Pi);
plot([f(t),g(t),t=a..b]);For example,
plot( [sin(t), cos(t), t=0..2*Pi] );
To plot several parametric curves on the same plot, pack several
``square brackets'' together inside of ``curly braces'':
plot({ [t,t^2, t=-2..2], [1+t, 1+2*t, t=-1..1] });
plot([x1,y1,x2,y2,...xn,yn],x=a..b);Notice that the coordinates of the n points are written in order as a list of 2n entries separated by commas and enclosed in square brackets. For example, to plot three points:
plot([-1,0, 1,0, 0,2], x=-1..1);
implicitplot(g(x,y) = k, x=a..b,y=c..d);Example:
implicitplot( x^2+y^2=1, x=-1..1, y=-1..1 );