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Making Illustrations with Maple

This page describes the nuts and bolts of using Maple graphics in other settings. To learn more about using Maple itself, consult the references on the computer algebra page.

Illustrations for Papers

The basic strategy for using Maple output in papers (or posters, transparencies, etc.) is to save the image as a PostScript file.
  1. Produce the figure you want to include.

  2. First issue an interface command such as this:

    interface(plotdevice=ps, plotoutput=`filename.ps`);

  3. Plot your graph. The plot command will create the file specified in the interface command.

Illustrations for Electronic Media

Once you have a PostScript file, you have lots of options. For one thing, this is an area of considerable expertise at the Geometry Center, so start by consulting with the staff. However, to get some idea of the basics, consult the pages on Working with Images or the graphics resources section of the Center software overview.

Importing Images into Geomview

A good thing to keep in mind is that Maple 3D graphics output can be displayed with Geomview. This allows the user to use Geomview to position and render the object with Geomview, which in general gives higher quality results.

To use Geomview with Maple, begin by issuing the command


Once the library is initialize d, you can use the command gvplot to send 3D graphics to Geomview:

my_plot := plot3d(sin(x * y), x=0..Pi, y=0..pi);

The gvplot library also allows you to write OOGL files directly. Do ?gvplot within Maple for more details.

The is a great deal of additional information about Geomview and Making Illustrations with Geomview online.

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Created: Fri Sep 8 11:39:00 1995 --- Last modified: Jun 18 1996